Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lipton Green Milk Tea (立顿绿奶茶)

after a day out to celebrate my nephew's birthday, we ended up circling the aiesles at Hong Kong Supermarket in China Town for drinks. just for the sake of this particular post, i will reveal that i am actually of a chinese background, but born here and have always been fascinated by the ridiculous amount of choice for consumers in Asia, especially in the area of food and beverage. in fact, it's fascination borderline jealousy! that's why i make it my mission to scout these chinese supermarkets for goodies i know people living in asia are taking forgranted! i've watched TVB series my whole life and always hear the term "下午茶" (xia wu cha) which is equivalent to our afternoon tea. here, we go for a coffee, there, they go for milk tea (nai cha 奶茶). clearly the prospect of having a plain milk tea has never made my head turn, but today as i looked through the fridge i spotted green milk tea. i personally love green tea and to combine it with milk tea seemed like a concoction made just for me! i had high hopes and was not disappointed! the issue with the drinks from asia is the sweetness. makes me wonder if they've all got diabetes because some are horrendously sweet. but this was not one of them. you were able to savour the flavour of the green tea amongst the milkiness of the drink. to sum it up - perfect! (for me anyway. :D ) in the car my sister insisted i make my own as it would save money. (i didn't feel $1 odd was a big price to pay but we do like to save money where possible) so i came home and made my own. it's simple, easy and you can control how sweet you want it. i won't undermine your intelligence by telling you the method! remember, it's best chilled..and great for the heatwave we've been experiencing here. give it a go and let me know what you think! i'll be trying it with powdered milk to see which turns out better in terms of consistency and taste. but in the meantime, enjoy a happy下午茶!

* 4-5 bags of green tea for a 1 litre jug (more can be used if you prefer a stronger tea taste. leave the bags in for a few minutes before removing them)
* milk (i used skim milk as i only had skim or soy in the fridge)
* hot water
* sugar

1 comment:

ioyces said...

J...u're funny! (i didn't feel $1 odd was a big price to pay but we do like to save money where possible) u have a blender too?? I think this might be delicious ice-blended and topped with chewy black tapioca of those bubble tea concoctions cost around $ ur sister might be even happier with you...!! ;)