a blog about my limited food journey would not be complete without a mention of the beloved pie floater! the iconic meat pie in pea soup with or without the tasty tomato sauce is either loved or loathed by those who try it. personally, i love it so much that i consider it somewhat of a staple food! some may think the weird combination of the hot flaky pie soaked in a bowl of pea soup is something to hurl over but never judge until you've placed that great morsel of mincey goodness with the thick rich flavour of pea in addition to the tang of the tomato sauce into your mouth. however, it's not the same everywhere. the make or break of the pie floater comes down to the pea soup. it must be of a thick consistency so that when your pie sits in it, the soup just lovingly touches the pie, as opposed to seeping through the pie which ruins the texture when you eat it.
pie floater: $8
orgasmic experience: priceless!
about a week back i spied Sydney's version of the pie floater over at Not Quite Nigella (i'm a regular lurker!) and it sure did send a giddy feeling through me as i chuckled like a child at the prospect of trying one when i visit Sydney next month!
have been wanting to try a pie floater for the longest time!! Where was this cafe? :)
btw, thanks for linking our blog!
How did u find us??
yum..looks tasty. I had quite a few meat pies on my vacation in New Zealand. Thanks for the link.
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